The Center for Generative AI, Law, and Policy Research

The GenLaw Center

Robots reading

A home for education and research on system evaluations centering policy considerations

The GenLaw Center directly addresses technical and social challenges raised by generative-AI systems. We craft meaningful metrics and measurement methodologies that scale reliably to the magnitude of current and future systems. Our work provides a grounded scientific basis for understanding the behavior of generative-AI models and, in turn, suggests tunable dials for instructing models to align their behaviors with desired outcomes. To achieve this vision, The GenLaw Center fosters close collaborations between computer scientists, legal scholars, and civil society.

Our team has done groundbreaking in the creation of generative-AI models, development of the field of AI security, and the design of scalable machine-learning algorithms and metrics. Together, we have founded a new research field: Generative AI and Law. The GenLaw Center is committed to supporting the growth and development of this field through public education and academic mentorship, as well as hosting workshops and directly supporting researchers.


ICML 2024 Workshop

Workshop: Evaluating Generative AI Systems

“Evaluating Generative AI Systems: the Good, the Bad, and the Hype”

The GenLaw Center is co-hosting a workshop in DC (livestreamed and recorded) on evaluating generative AI systems on Monday, April 15th. We will discuss the misconceptions between the technical capabilities of evaluating generative AI, and what policymakers and civil society want. Topics covered include: 1) training-data attribution 2) privacy 3) data provenance & watermarks 4) trust & safety.

This event is generously sponsored by the The K&L Gates Initiative in Ethics and Computational Technologies at CMU, and co-hosted with the K&L Gates Initiative, Georgetown Institute for Technology Law & Policy, and Center for Democracy and Technology.



ICML 2023 Workshop
